
Monday 14 March 2011

Less is More

I caught the early evening sun while taking my pictures today. The weather here is Lyon is most definitely Spring like. It was 19° C when I was on the school run !!! I apologise if you are reading this from somewhere colder.
This week's challenge on Less is More is 'Off the Page'.
I've gone again for the Greenhouse Garden stamp set, it's so pretty !!
The card stock is Whisper White Textured which gives a lovely
grainy effect to the stamped image.

La photo a été prise pendant le soleil de cette fin d'après-midi. Le temps à Lyon est maintenant très printanier.
Cette après-midi quand j'ai fait le trajet scolaire il faisait 19° C !!! Je suis désolée si vous lisez ce post de quelque part dans le monde où il fait encore froid.
Le challenge cette semaine sur le blog de Less is More est 'dehors de la page'.
J'ai repris le set des tampons Greenhouse Garden, car il est très délicat !!
La carte est faite avec du papier cartonné texturé Murmure Blanc ce
qui donne un air granuleux à l'image.

Alison xx


  1. A-Ha, I see you've had another go with number 153 - still a delightful card Alison!


  2. Great stamping, and great to have another submission from you Alison!
    See you next time!
    "Less is More"

  3. A delightful card.

  4. Greenhouse Garden looks fabulous off the edge and I love the colours you've stamped it in. Spring has sprung here too thank goodness - I was getting a bit fed up of wearing all those jumpers at once!

  5. This is a very beautiful card. I think it would even look nice if the flowers were only stamped on the bottom and one of the sides. Lovely colors too!

    PS> Word verification is still on.

  6. Very pretty alison
    This is such a lovely stamp set
    Thanks for entering
    "Less is more"

  7. Love your flower stamps and the colour you've chosen. Card looks great with the sentiment in the middle. x

  8. Très jolie carte (je me permets de t'écrire en français! ;), j'aime beaucoup comme tu as tamponné avec différents tons/ intensités.

  9. Great card, the flowers are gorgeous. (it's a balmy 7 degrees in Aberdeen today! Lol)
