
Sunday 17 April 2011

Scrapbook Sunday #42

Don't you just love Spring time ???
And these Springtime Vintage papers !!
We've had a very warm and pleasant few weeks and the garden has just come to life. I luckily remembered to take pictures of the cherry tree and the pear trees in bloom (normally I forget until it's just too late !!!). No matter how hard your try, you can't stop Mother Nature.

Le printemps est magnifique, n'est ce pas ???
Et ces papiers Printemps Retro aussi !!
Nous avons eu quelques semaines où il a fait très beau et le jardin en a bien profité. J'ai eu la bonne idée de prendre le cerisier et les poiriers en fleurs en photos (d'habitude je m'en souviens trop tard!!). Même avec beaucoup d'efforts, on ne peut pas arrêter la nature.

Stampin' Royalty #67

Alison xx


  1. Beautiful trees. They must be a wonderful site to see. So glad you played with us at Stampin' Royalty this week.

  2. Wow! Just look at that amazing blossom - and on my favourite DP too!

  3. Oh my word! all of it is wonderful! love the pictures! Thanks for playing this weeks Stampin' Royalty Challenge!
