Sunday 10 April 2011

Scrapbook Sunday #41

While we were in Scotland in March, we were invited to go to the Bingo night organised by the PTA of my neice and nephew's school.
It was the first time that the boys have played bingo and they loved it.......Graham was over the moon to had won !!!! As they had so many prizes there was a raffle as well and everone won something. Neil even gave his to his cousin !!!
Every one went home happy !!!

Pendant nos vacances en Écosse au mois de mars, nous étions invités à l'école de ma nièce et de mon neveu pour une soirée Bingo.
C'était la première fois pour les garçons et ils se sont beaucoup amusés..........Graham était super content d'avoir gagné une partie !!!! Mais il y avait tellement de prix que tout le monde est reparti avec quelque chose. Neil en avait donné le sien à son cousin !!!
Chacun d'entre nous est rentré heureux !!!

Alison xx

1 comment:

  1. Love the way you did the title on this page Alison. It looks such a fun night was had by all! (I confess I have a secret liking for bingo myself!)
